The winter retreat season is off to a good start. I went to a
Spiritual Formation retreat in the middle of last week. Then I spent the weekend at the Senior High
Youth Connection. Coming up are the
Gilmont Women’s Retreat and two weeks after that will be the Garland Women’s
Retreat. I’m such a party animal.
SHYC is always held at Austin College. It’s fairly central to Grace Presbytery who sponsors
it. We had over 500 high school kids. It’s huge. We have the standard fare of every retreat: energizers, keynote, small group time, dances and talent. And, of course, a mission project.
Presbyterians always like to have a mission project anytime
we get together. If you put two
Presbyterians in a phone booth they would probably start scrapping the
gum off the wall while they talked and sang songs.

There were also 350 hygiene kits (wash cloths, etc) and 225
school kits with pencils and notebooks for children in refugee camps. We had the contents of the three kits lined up at three different areas. The kids revolved around to each area to complete their allotment of kits. The last step was a note inside the container and a prayer for the recipients.

My “title” was Assistant Mission Project Director but I felt fairly useless. Lisa Juica is such an organized person she didn’t really need me. To be honest, up to this point my only contribution had been to eat all the snacks and lunches they provided at the planning meetings. However, I do understand the role of an assistant is to do what I’m told and not ask a lot of questions.
Lisa had deputized a hand-picked group of adult sponsors to work each table where the kids would gather supplies to pack. For example, PDA wanted exactly 24 trash bags in each Clean-Up bucket. Not 23 and not 25. If you packed 25 in a bucket that meant somebody else’s bucket got only 23. If we made this mistake too many times it would have huge ramifications. But the bags were packaged in boxes of 20 at the store. So each group had to grab a box of 20 then tear off EXACTLY 4 more bags. No more and no less. Lisa had bought exactly enough. So the Number Nazis were crucial.
Final count: 120 clean-up buckets, 350 hygiene kits and 225 school kits. It filled a U-Haul trailer to the roof.
My job in all this was far less vital. I stood at the door
and made sure the entire group had everybody there. Then I passed out a list of instructions
while emphasizing once again the importance of counting the trash bags. Then I waited for Lisa to tell them which
table to start at. It was a lot like
being a matre’d at restaurant.
But, in addition to being at the door to greet each group
coming in, I was also there as each
group left. After about 20 of the 30
groups had finished and left I got bored and found myself saying, “Thank you,
Thank you, Thank you” as groups left the gym.
Then the Holy Spirit took over as she likes to do whenever I get bored.
Lisa had done a great job of personalizing our mission. She was working in a hospital in New Orleans
when Katrina hit. She was witness to a
horror that she still can’t fully verbalize even ten years later. Then, when Hurricane Rita hit a few weeks
later, she lost power to her home and was a real live recipient of one of the
clean-up buckets just like we were packing.
She gave the kids a face to their work.
But teenagers have a fragile memory. When they walked into the gym the only thing
they saw was a job to do. Ministry comes
so naturally to them that sometimes they lose track of why they’re doing
it. It wasn’t connecting to them that
someone would be thankful for their work.
I caught a group leaving and called out to them to stop. They kept going and I ended up screaming an
angry “STOP!” Their leader looked a
little frightened like she didn’t know which national security protocol she had
breached. Once I got them all together I
lined them up and touched the first kid gently on the shoulder and looked
directly into her eyes for a moment then said clearly and simply, “Thank You.”
I did this to every individual in each group.
Their reaction was so startled that I knew they had never connected
their work to anything they needed to be thanked for. So, I ratcheted it up a notch. I wrote down a list of names on a scrap of
paper I had in my pocket. It was people I
knew had been helped by the PDA efforts after Katrina.
It wasn’t hard to come up with 20 faces and 20 stories. I had to struggle a bit to retrieve some of
the names: the couple who would stop
work on their house every morning at 10 to make coffee and insist I stop
working and join them. Ron….What was his
last name? It took me a while to
remember Rev Rawls’ wife’s name. I never
called her by her first name, only Mrs. Rawls.
And who was the other lady next door to Miss Kitty’s house? And dear Miss Susie who sometimes baked a
cake for the volunteers or bought ice cream to share.
I remembered helping Jan pack to evacuate from Gus, the
hurricane that headed towards New
Orleans on the third anniversary of Katrina.
How it was the third time she had taken family photos off the wall and
drove them to higher ground. Her small “L”-shaped house had broken in two and was
carried away but the family pictures were safe.
I remembered Shirley Thompson’s story of how she and her mother slept on the
floor of the Stennis Center compound for
a week before they would let them go check on what was left of their
houses. And how it had been carried a
hundred yards from its foundation. And
the job that disappeared when the building where she worked was blown away.
These were real people. People with great pride who sometimes lost their house
and their job. Katrina took not only
your house but the building where you worked, your grocery store, the beauty shop and the post
Armed with a list of real people I stopped the next
group. I had them form a circle and I
got inside. Again, touching each person
on the shoulder and pausing a bit I looked into their eyes and said, “Dallas
Trammel says thank you.”
Then I went to
the next person in the group:
“A.J. Percles thanks you.
Jan Rabe thanks you.
Linda Freeman thanks you.
Miss Kitty Dobie thanks you
When I finished I told them these were real people. These were my friends and I hope this would
never happen to them again. But it
probably will happen to someone else and it would happen to real people just like
my friends and I knew their work Saturday would be a big help.
Each time I did this with a group they would stand for a
minute, bathed in the Holy Spirit, letting it sink in. Then they left a little bit wiser. Hopefully, more compassionate. Maybe they will figure out how to prevent
natural disasters. They have the
imagination for it.
We have no idea where
these 120 buckets, 350 hygiene kits, or 225 school kits will end up. It could go anywhere in the world where
hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, fires or war disrupts lives like a thief in
the night. But, as unique as each of us
is to God our Creator, it’s a safe guess that it will be people just like
Dallas and Jan and Beverly and Roy. People I would love if I knew them. People
you’ve never met but would love, too.
I found a little “ministry” in the midst of feeling useless. A tiny one—a footnote, actually-- or you
might call it an afterthought. The Holy Spirit is sneaky that way.
Jane Els writes she felt useless but little does she know that the Holy Spirit hand picked her for her job. I could think of no one else who could serve beside me as we did this. For it was selfish reasons I asked her. I needed someone who also saw the effects of hurricane Katrina. So that when my story brought back memories of chaos I lived through, Jane would be there to remind me of the hope that we are given through faith. So Lisa Juica says thank you Jane Els.
Ms. Idella and her gift for serving food to thousands! This made me cry! In my experience it wasn't so much the debris that was removed from Beverly's home, or the rebuilding at Miss Mary's home as it was the relationships built with so many people. Bless you for putting a face to disaster for these youth.
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